Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Post Otakon 2014

Otakon 21 was a blast!

Artist Alley Table Z-03 was a HUGE success!

I attended Otakon 2014 once again with Rachel's Rupees and it was just a hella lot of fun and did extremely well! In fact, we nearly sold out of all of the plushies!
We struggled, huffed and puffed, sweated and crawled into the Artist Alley with 6 bags full of pillows and plushes and came out with one half!

Thank you to everyone who came by the table, bought a print and/or a plushie!

Some experiences of Otakon 21:

I understand that the Registration Process is long and pain-staking, but something this year slowed down the Artist Alley and Vendor's line a lot.

They ask you to have the forms filled out beforehand to make things smooth.  The previous year, the line took only 15 minutes for us to get registered, this year it took 2 and a half hours.  I'm not sure what happened there, but something, somewhere could use some improvement. Maybe an additional Registration booth? Or maybe the other patrons of the Artist Alley need to make sure they have their stuff sorted out before they step in line.

Aside from Registration, everything else was pretty great.  There was some issues with entering and exiting the Alley and the Vendor's room--but not as patrons, as the sellers.  For some reason, traffic was changed in the middle of the convention that confused and frustrated a lot of people.  Luckily, the Artist Alley didn't have to deal with much change.  Whew!

Rachel and I got to see a lot of old friends from school or elsewhere, even past customers from elsewhere or last year! It was really nice to see them again and nice to see how much they support us a year later.
While Rachel's wares were getting sold consistently, mine had a fast start, then a slow middle, then a fast end.  My Harley Quinn poster prints sold out like hot cakes, and were gone before dinner time the first day! Saturday slowed, but I still got some good sales of prints and Memehats!

The last day, things exploded.  We were getting sales left and right and people started commissioning me to do sketches for them.  It was insane! We planned to leave at 12-12:30, we got stuck and left the convention center around 3:30, which was pretty awesome!

I was hesitant to go back in 2015, but after this year, it seems like a pretty good idea to go back.  Guess we'll see once pre-registration opens!

'til next time!


Rachel as Tetra with Link (Wind Waker)

Some of the best Zelda cosplay we saw there

It wouldn't be a convention without a slave Leia

A very awesome Dante

Earth Worm Jim -- Throwbacks! Love it!


Link and his Loftwing. That thing was awesome!

Fairly OddParents -- A family cosplay. Cute!

Zelda U!

Hyrule Warriors Link - this guy was exhausted

Twilight Princess -- I felt bad for Zant. She had a lot of trouble putting on that mask, but it was just too cool to take a picture without it.

A Blood Elf -- Might be my favorite cosplay of the con this year!

Link from LTTP -- More throwbacks!

Tifa (FF7) - classic. Streeeetch!

Lots of Harley Quinn's this year; I loved this one!

Final Fantasy girls!

Rachel as Tetra (demo sketch)

Ganondorf - OOT

Sheik - OOT

Harley Quinn - New 52!

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